Whose Dream Are We Dreaming?

brain dreams life manifestation parenting May 30, 2020


The essence of a dream is the space we enter, often involuntarily in our sleep. It can be the cascading, often unordered, flow of images, sounds, symbols and experiences. Sprouting forth from our subconscious in an attempt to unpack the deeper aspects of the psyche and The Self. 


Dreams are also the space where life experiences can come to exist before they manifest into physical form. Being someone that has dreamed a dream that then has come to fruition countless times I see the dream space as a tool of projection. 


Just as our mind, specifically our brain, the corpus callosum and superior brachium act as a projector. 


Have you ever been to the movies and looked up to see the projector poking through the wall to cast the film on the screen?


This is what the human experience is. Knowingly or unknowingly we are projecting our reality out into the world to see it unfold. This is the power of human consciousness as a willful, creator being. 


At a young age the projection making machine of our psyche is highly malleable. 


People grow up projecting a dream into the world that is not entirely their own. Perhaps it’s their parents, a religion, a culture or an institution’s dream, even an ancestral dream. 


A subtle tinkering with the psyche, a coercive act or a more subtle tug on the heartstrings of emotional needs and voila. The human being is set to protect, at a foundational level what has been ingrained in them.


Low self-worth, self-doubt, the sense of lack, greed and bigotry are some common defunked human projections. 


At the very least most of us suffer from the ‘who do I have to be to make you love me’ strings. The go-to behavioral strategy for emotional nourishment in a world where children grow up to be big children in adult bodies that then become parents themselves. 


In doing so they manage to nurture another being as best they can while managing themselves. 


Yet, just like a pitcher's ball thrown into a catcher's mitt each child that gets hurled into the world is a force of their own. A force to be reckoned with. 


Grounding, containing, nourishing and growing such unbound potential has its challenges. Raising another conscious being when we are still raising ourselves often leaves so many to input the program projection they know best. 


The old that seems to hold up the world around them and gives the feedback to say “this is how it is, that’s the way it’s always been for me”.


With this subtle programming the human being, the projection machine, will go out into the world creating something for itself that wasn’t theirs, to begin with. 


We all know that story, it’s the extremist, the soulless worker, the mid-life crisis, the bigot, the depressive or the lack of self-fulfillment going through the motions of time. The projections set in one's life come to be self-fulfilling unless we change them.


On a collective level, it goes even deeper. Beyond the immediate projection of who you are, what you do and where you are going you are co-projecting the world’s story.


So many people are stuck watching a horror movie or projecting a world of pain, suffering and violence. For some it is all they have ever known. 


The more you invest into a projection the more common it becomes. The more a fighter trains in violence the more violence they experience in their world. There is no escaping the fact that the reality we create within our mind is the one we give birth to. 


Imagine, now that there is big business for horror and violent movies that is the world. That there are those that profit and benefit from the projection of fear, separation and hate. 




The nature of division in all of its forms is a tool of control and domination. It’s a means and a method to enforce greater power while avoiding the capacity for unity. 


It would be in the best interests of such people to ensure that that story continues. Film after film, projection after projection all reinforcing the same story.


Distraction, fear and the ongoing suffering dissipates any potential projection of something else. Something better. It becomes a hive mind mentality and projection of a dark dismal reality. 


This is the world so many live in. Even the projection making factories of schools, universities, organisations and media outlets choose to set the projection dim.


Until we take control of the projection we wish to see we will be led into the projection that serves others. 

Until we choose to dream our own dream we will forever be dreaming the dream of others. 


Re-writing your story takes courage, self-care and a whole lot of listening to your heart. 


It’s never too late to re-create your dream. Then once you have a dream that serves your heart and soul, you can dream it real.


We all have a responsibility to take control of our projection making factory, our souls. Re-writing the internal storyboard takes time but change can happen in an instant. 


Millions of people are waking up every day to choose a different story, and we are some of them. 


Whether it’s giving up an addiction, leaving an abusive relationship, following a passion, investing in yourself or simply turning off the television.  


The times we live in are highly malleable, increasingly sensitive and seeking co-projections as a fuel source. 


So what are you projecting? 


The way we engage ourselves in our quiet moments, alone, when no one is watching is the real dream. Get comfortable with that space before seeking to move out and into the world.


Before you know it you’re playing into someone or something else's dream, and you’re not only not the main character, you’re the villain, or worse, you don’t even play a part. 


This life is your dream, make sure it makes sense to you and is projected from your heart and soul.


May it allow you to walk in beauty. 

In Greatness and Responsibility,


Alistair Hart



This was written from people the insights shared from people undertaking a life transition program at 


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