The Power of Innocence In WW3

2020 change children courage crisis generations health innerchild newearth strength wellbeing Jul 16, 2020

Just a message today to share some wisdom that has been helping me throughout the years. I've been applying with more devotion recently and feel its power.

As a community, we are going through a process. It's confronting, uncomfortable, and is challenging us. Big time and it's only just beginning. 

Deep down we all care for others, at some level, yet the times we are in are causing us to point the finger.

To separate, to isolate, to judge, what is right or wrong, what is true and what is false. What is fact and what is fiction and who is to blame.

Everything we think we know is carving out a deeper groove in our psyche, in our minds, and our soul of 'how it is'. 

We are building walls of perception that fit our world view in order to make sense of what is happening. Filtering out and disqualifying everything else.

We do this to make us feel like we have control, that we know what we are doing and why we do it. 

We tell ourselves that we have the wisdom to know what's best, even if that means looking to others who 'know more' than we do.

While many people have abdicated their control we all are subjects of our rational.

It is this rational that is being tested right now. 

We use our life experience to justify our rational. It holds up our world view, and for good reason.

Yet, the truth is we only know the limits of our experience. 

We only know that which we have internalised, sifted through and digested.

Anything else is fickle and subject to change, upon more learning.

What is true for you is not the same for someone else.

Different experiences, different learnings, different worlds.

Does that make them wrong? Does it make you wrong?

We live in a dichotomy. A reality of polarity, where 'one' is an entire spectrum. Where 'truth' is an entire spectrum.

Where your world is different from everyone else's.

Yes, they are held up by a common human experience and a collective meta-narrative, such as hats go on heads, but they are fundamentally unique. 

The times we are in are causing a great fracturing of collective and societal consciousness. 

With people falling into the meaning and meaninglessness of what fits their world.

With people struggling to find out what is true for them and how to make sense of it.

Making sense of it gives us security and stability, it gives us control. Control so we know how to plan for it, for ourselves and our families.

Many are experiencing cognitive dissonance right now. They are in the midst of a traumatic event and are in denial about it.

People are so wrapped in fear and confusion and are just holding it together. This makes this scared and judgemental.

When the time comes, they can heal this trauma, for now there is much more suffering to come.


People fear what they don't know.

People are also easily manipulated when in fear.

We forget, that we all have an inner child and most people are still just those children grown up, developmentally.

This is important because when you look at the leaders, decision-makers and your friends and coworkers, see them as that child. 

When you do, more things will make sense. It will also help you to support the children that are children today, in this generation.

What they experience now, will go onto shape them. The world they create will go on to shape your world.

All our worlds are connected. 

Do you know what connects them?


When we realise this we tap into the innocence of the world.

The innocence of seeing something for what it is, free from experience and judgment. Free from predetermined beliefs.

Free from the anticipation of an agenda or a bind, or a pitch or a motive. Free from colouring the experience in the shades of how you have been treated.

This is the innocence that unlocks the eternal beauty of life. It allows the situation or experience to unfold and be seen from fresh eyes. Each and every time. 

Honouring this innocence, that is fundamental to our reality and our spirit is critical for life on earth.

Balancing this innocence, with discernment is even more critical. With the untainted essence of innocence the truth of something will be revealed.


Because innocence is feeling, it is learning and it is intuition. Something we all have innately within us, before the mind and the ego cut us into uneven shapes. 

This innocence will show you the truth for you. If something feels off, it probably is. If something feels distorted it probably is.

Children know this. Because of this, manipulation is wielded upon them. 

Yet, it doesn't take the experience to know how to feel. The feeling comes first, before any colouring of life's experiences.

What then happens is the impact the feelings of those experiences have on us can change our state and receptivity.

Like a sponge, our innocence absorbs everything, guiding us towards and away from things.

The wisdom is in being able to release the past experiences, and the energy they hold in our bodies so we can willfully return to a state of innocence.

Because it is innocence that will seed the future of the world. Not the bruises and abuse any age presents, no matter how strange it is.

The world we live in has been built upon agenda and self-interest. This is then weaponised on our innocence.

It manipulates it and abuses it. Yet, it does not destroy it.

Innocence, of the young and old, can never be destroyed. To be innocent is to be in communion with Spirit. It is to be lighthearted and remain lighthearted. 

The greatest act you can do in times of war, is to honor this innocence and the joy that comes from being. 

To do so it to keep sacred that which is worth protecting. The essence of joy.

This is needed now more than ever.

Try to keep your judgments at bay, try to warm the cold intellect by the fire of what it means to be truly alive.

Being alive is an expression of experience. It is being, for the sake of being. Unchained by the hurt of the past, unencumbered by the fear.

The fear and past that has created the war we are now in. 

We are in a war. If you have not realised by now, we are in World War III.

It started on September 11 2001 and has become a pervasive, silent, and technological mind-war, waged on all of human civilisation. 

This war is ongoing and is not fought like wars of the 20 Century. It is a psychological war, amplified through technology and this current situation is a tool of that. 

The ways we are responding are being recorded and the data of our actions and sentiments will go onto feed the masterminds of this war.

Artificial intelligence now identifies and separates people by those that accept particular narratives and how they respond or react. While censoring others.

It is constantly learning and influencing policy as we are drip-fed fear and manipulation. 

This is the way society has always been controlled in the recent eon. If you are in doubt about that, read a history book.

The impact of this unpleasant reality places everyone into reaction mode, with feelings of submission and control.

It has us all grappling at the fast-changing directions of normalcy and acceptance. 

Despite this, I still find a sly smile. Because despite the harsh reality this age of the earth I remember the innocence to know of a brighter world.

An innocence that holds open the door to a higher potential, that is not shut off from coming into being. 

An innocence that will birth a new earth and will stand upon the foundations of this time like stones on the path to a playground. 

While we may have tripped and fallen to scratch our knees on that hard stone, we stand up, wipe our tears, and look to the path ahead.

The journey in the playground of life.

It is this innocence that is indomitable and no matter the options the world present it will survive. 

This is a free-will universe and we always have a choice.

The choices of these times can seem pretty bleak, from wearing this mask or facing jail. To working in this specific way or losing a job.

Despite this, remember that innocence and the joy of living is the ultimate power. It is the ultimate act of freedom and victory. 

Nothing can hurt your innocence if you keep it alive.

May you take a moment out to bask in some innocent moments, in nature or with kin.

Being for the sake of being. Learning for the sake of learning.

Living free from fear.

If you not for you, then for the ones who are yet to come.

In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart


To learn more about living from a place of life and vitality feel free to connect in with me for a complimentary coaching call.

From this, if it's of interest we can design a daily practice that charges you up and lights up your day. Contact hello @ 


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