awakening career change change courage divine mystery fear god journey trust universe Jul 13, 2020

It’s human to feel scared, worried and fearful about how things will work out for you. 


This time of Great Change may make you feel more uncertain about your health, wealth and relationships - about your future, and your family.


There is ONE THING that will strike out this fear and confusion from your life. 


This message is an invitation to welcome it in and build unshakeable strength and faith at this time.


This one thing doesn’t need your acceptance of it to exist. It asks nothing from you, yet it gives you everything. 


In fact it is the severance from this one thing that causes the greatest suffering.


Everything that goes ‘wrong’ or ‘right’ stems back to this one thing.


It is not Jesus, although, it may be for you...


This one thing is your connection to Spirit. 


It is your sacred relationship with a higher power, with yourself. With the Universe, The Creator, SOURCE, God, your Higher-Self. 


It is your connection to the Supreme Creator of everything you can imagine, know and that which is beyond comprehension. 


This Supreme lives within you, in fact it is you. It is guiding you, watching you and supporting you. 


It lives through your feelingness and beingness so allow it to be. Surrender to it, especially during this Great Shift. 


It will guide you where you are meant to go. No matter how it may appear now.


Even when you feel alone and as far from its support and guidance as you can imagine. It is always within you. 


It is the Divine Mystery that unfolds each day and in every age, no matter what form it takes, or how it occurs. 


It is here with you right now, no matter how f'd up it looks or may appear. 


The way you perceive it now does not define it. Just as the seed in the ground is not defined by the dark, cold absence of light. Yet it grows towards something it does not need to see to know exists.


This Supreme Intelligence is just as invested in your life as it is everyone else's. As it is a stone’s, a tree’s or a planet’s. From the slaughtered animal, to the criminal, to an innocent child and to you.


It’s consciousness is your consciousness and so what you do with it is of your own making. It is learning of itself through you. 


It is always with you and is guiding you into your own unique evolution. An evolution that brings wisdom, through experience. Something only your life’s unique journey will uncover.


Something only your life will encounter. 


This is the evolution of your soul. This is your sacred connection to spirit. 


Your soul is The Supreme’s. 


How is that relationship going?


Do you make time for it each day? 


How much of you is aware of its presence in your life? 


The truth is you are a machination, oscillating towards and into yourself. To know yourself. To expand. 


You are driven and are called into experiences that are required for the evolution of your consciousness. No matter how it may appear. 


This is what is asked of you, by your Higher Self/OverSoul.  


When you start to see yourself as a living destiny that uncovers your path each day the future disappears. 


This is hard for the mind.


The mind tries to make logic of things. 


It tries to strategize your life and will the best scenario into the world with force, hoping for the best.


No matter what happens to your business, your body, your family or your world your soul is eternal.


The Soul like the universe seeks expansion. It requires experiences as fuel to grow, to learn and to evolve. 


It’s indifferent to how your mind wants it to be or perceives it to be. 


Your Soul as a force of its own will bring you through a manner of experiences that only your soul knows why. 


It’s only after the experience and the lesson that you may perhaps learn its reason for being.


This medicine can be so bitter and painful it may not make sense as to why your life has taken this course, or curse. Yet, your Soul knows in its infinite intelligence. 


Your Soul can weather any storm, in any age, no matter how hard or long it rages. Even a life of torture will change in death. 


Yet, your Soul knows no end. 


The illusion is you think you do. 


You think there is an end, because it makes sense for the mind to sense an end when there is no longer any more physical form of something or someone that was.


Yet the seen and unseen exist simultaneously. You see less than 0.1% of the visible light spectrum, yet you carve out a reality and worldview from only that which you see.


It is as if we are looking at one grain of sand thinking that is all there is in an infinite sea. With each grain being different yet beholding the same pattern.  


Do you think that something so grand as this life, this cosmos, and this human experience is without order?


There is a system and an order to everything. 


Just look at your nervous system, your skeletal system, and the movements of the stars or the growth of the countless plant species. 


All of it is encoded with an intelligent design. 


So then, there either can be order, or no order. 


Either is there a design or no design. 


Either there is a Creative Force that is living within you or there is not. 


There are two types of people in this world. 


Those that accept a Supreme Intelligence, a ‘something’, a source of energy that intentionally created All life and lives within you. That designed it, that designed you. 


Or there are those that do not. 


This is a message for those who know there is. Those that don’t will come to know at sometime.


Remember, this Supreme being made you in its image. It birthed you. 


The you that is beyond form, age, race, creed, gender, net worth and time. The you, that is eternal. Beyond this life. The You that rises and falls into physical form, lifetime after lifetime, beyond this ‘one life’.


If you KNOW this. Really know this. Then accept the truth that there is a path for you.


That everything that is happening to you now is given to you as a tool to grow through. As painful as it is. This experience you are going through is a resource for your soul.


It is seeking to digest it and to compost it so it can evolve even further. 


May you surrender to this divine mystery. May you learn to trust it wholeheartedly. Beyond aby doubt. 


May it lighten your burden and may it show you the way. 


All of it is within you, all you need to do is connect into your heart and your soul. Into your higher intelligence.


Build the relationship to this force, honor it, hold it with care and reverence. Respect it.


Treat yourself as you would treat it. Lovingly, unconditionally and with presence. 


Listen to it, it may tell you things you are yet to do that need to be done. Things that will help relieve the suffering. 


Letting go of what your mind or ego may want will not be easy but it will take you to a place beyond your imagination and beyond your logic. 


It will take you to your soul’s mission - to your truth. 


The expectations you place on how your life should be or should look are not always shared with this higher power. 


Let your own expectations go and open up to this divine mystery. Allow yourself to trust that which is falling away is in your best interest. 


That at this time your life is in fact falling into place. 


Allow yourself to embrace this mystery and perhaps new adventure that is unfolding for you not to you, for you.


The sooner you come to accept this force, this design as intentional you will be able to work with it and not against it. 


It is as if you learn to sail the currents and the wind to a place of your dreams rather than being thrashed around into your sorrows. 


Collectively right now everything has been thrown upside down and inside out. What was is no longer and while you may strive to make it so, accept that there is a higher power within you. 


Get to know that. Listen to it. Hear it. Open yourself to it and trust it because it wants to take you where you are destined to go. 


This destiny will always be. By surrendering to what is unfolding right now life will take you there with much more ease and grace. 


It takes courage to trust, way more than to fight. 


Trust yourself and your sacred connection to Spirit. It is the ONE THING that will take you through this storm and any other, in any lifetime.


It's this lifetime now that we all make this journey together and alone.


Journey Well.


P.S. For all those seeking to move into this place of trust and inner knowing with a kickass playfulness and pleasure, I have created a bespoke program for you.

It’s for anyone seeking to strengthen their spiritual foundation and carve out a path ahead. A path connected to your heart and soul.

Specifically, those perhaps not in their ideal career or vocation but are seeking to find it. Someone who sees the changing world and want to find their path through it.

This time is a portal of change and I am invested in those who are committed to making the most of it by living to their highest potential. 

More information is available here


In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart


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