What a New Moon Mean's To Me

alchemy astrology intentions life metaphysics moon new moon rituals Jul 22, 2020

I'm sure many of you have your own go-to astrological outlet.

I personally, keep close council of a few astrologers and stay up to date with the movements and positions of the celestial bodies.


The short answer is, the macrocosmic situation influences our microcosmic situation.

If we look at the skies as a cosmic conversation, with all of the planets, stars, moons, nodes, and asteroids as participating in that, it helps to decipher what they talking about. 

The study of the skies is older than recorded time. It is an essential part of the human experience to read the sky. Doing so helps us to interpret the astrological implications of how these conversations influence the human psyche. 

My friend, mentor and go-to astrologer Cal Garrision stated that "at the heart of astrology is the metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or tones of energy which manifest in numbers, visual angles, shapes, and sounds – all connected within a pattern of proportion.  The stars cycle with the earth, and we are no different and our lives reflect the positions of the planets."

What that means is that the conversation happening in the skies influences life on earth. Just as the moon affects the tides, the celestial bodies, and where they are placed in your specific natal chart shower energy down onto this earth, influencing it.

FYI your natal chart is the position of the zodiac constellations at the time of your birth.

The universal approach to this is that you have a 'sun sign', which is the predominant Zodiac that you most likely know. 

The sun sign denotes the particular constellation the sun was in at the time of your birth. It refers to the way that you're most potent and present in this life.  It's you're base energy so to speak.

Then you have your 'moon sign', which is the constellation the moon was in at the time of your birth. This focuses on the archetypal energy of your past, as in your past lives... It signifies the energy you are carrying forward from those experiences in this life.

Then you have your 'rising sign' which was the rising zodiac (also known as your Ascendant). It is the energy that dominates your interactions with the world.

This sign is determined by the zodiac sign that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born. Hence the energy that 'dawns' on people and the world when you're around. 

If you want to keep updated on the celestial dance I always refer to, they are great. If you want a reading let me know and I can introduce to some epic folks like Cal. 

So, why is a new moon important?

The moon follows a 28-day cycle, just like the woman's mensuration period. The moon's procession is important because it digests the potent solar force of the sun.

It is a fundamentally important celestial body for us here on Earth. Without life would not survive.

The light that reflects off the moon is actually incredibly nutritionally dense and it's this moon's light that grows most of our herbal plants on earth.

As the sun is too strong in many places of the world. So, it the moonlight that is an alley to the plant, animal and mineral kingdom. 

The moon has an entire pantheon and mythic story associated to it about the role in plays in Creation and in our lives. From being the mother nourisher, the carer as well as the psychic that seems the shadow sides of all things.

Hence why most dark things occur in the moonlight. The moon sees all and reflects the penetrating wisdom of experiencing all things. The moon is a celestial body that is critical to life on earth and influences you!

This is where the notion of lunatic came from, with events on a full moon being recorded to be unusually potent and erratic. Ask any police officer and they'll tell you they hate the full moon shift. 

In terms of its energy, it's a powerful tool to ride the current of. If you can imagine the moon as a current, you can start to see how valuable it would be if you aligned with it. Timing your behaviors, intentions, and activities in correspondence to it. 

Like a boat that rides a current, so too can you ride the energy of the moon.

This is why people talk about new moon intentions. Because the new moon has an entire cycle ahead that it will start to fill up. Slowing swelling with light and life force. 

Light being wisdom and when you seed your intention into it, naturally it nourishes into manifestation. 

This is gradually increasing before reaching a climax at the full moon phase. To then release its energy that had been sowed and supported throughout the month with our actions.

So, each new moon, start to set intentions and work on projects you want to see manifest throughout the course of the 28 days. Continue that energy forth and you will see you are aligning to the forces of the cosmos.

It's this type of behavior that harnesses the forces of the unseen.

Rather than making it some intangible mumbo jumbo, start to realise you are living on a celestial ship in the abyss of space.

A wonderful life filled ship that is also surrounded by other vessels in the sky, each unique and all playing a role in our solar system.

Anyhoo, those are just my thoughts. Hope it makes sense and serves you.

The world 28 days from now, could be a vastly different place... You could be in a totally different place.

Take ten minutes or an hour, light a candle, and find some time to sow your intentions for this month of the coming month. The zodiac this moon falls in is Cancer.

Cancer rules the home. Something we are all too familiar with now. 

How can you improve your home and the way you feel at home in your bones?


In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart


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