How To Orgasm Your Way To The Bank & Manifest Through Self-Pleasure

energy energywork health manifestation men metaphysics relationships sex Jun 27, 2020

In my previous email, I shared the power of visualising your perfect day and writing it down. Maybe you tried it maybe you didn't.

What if I told you that you can also manifest your dream life through your orgasm...

Maybe you might want to try that?

Yep, I am saying you can climax your way to the bank - if that's what you want...

Both can be an exciting process. The main takeaway from the first act of writing your dream day down is that it helps to clarify what you want in your life.

As for the orgasm, let me share a little secret I have been using to create my dream life.

The following message refers to sensuality and self-pleasure. So feel free to tune out now if you that is a bit too personal for you to explore...

A powerful secret a wise old woman told me was the importance of using the power of orgasmic energy for the purposes of manifestation. 

It works because the heightened state of pleasure and the vibration that it holds is powerfully magnetic.

It's as if you are tuning an instrument and increasing the volume to its MAX so that the sound penetrates the entire field around you and within you.

In doing so washing you, and your partner with a beautiful symphony of pleasure energy.  Yayyyyyy.

The secret is this energy moves not just around you, it moves out into the universe and into yourself. It literally fertilises the thoughts and emotions that you are carrying. Unconsciously manifesting them into your life. 

The fact is you are sending a highly charged orgasmic vibration out into the world.

What does vibration do?  It reverberates. 

When you orgasm you are literally sending a bliss boomerang out into the universe. If you do it right, it comes back.

Let's step it back a little to Cosmic Sex Ed 101.

Arousal energy takes the form of heat and blood flow, that moves to your erogenous and reproductive zones. This heat and blood also consists of and/or is created by what is known as 'chi' or 'prana', this is the life force energy.

Chi is the electricity that flows through your entire body. While Chi is recognised as a scientific and physiological phenomenon in Eastern medicine and detectable in the human anatomy, it is less known in the West. 

Chi is found everywhere and in everything. It is the current that flows through every living system - tree, plant, animal, and human. Even stones and rocks have chi.

For humans, having a healthy flowing chi is synonymous with long life, vitality, wellbeing, harmony, financial abundance and also, pleasure.

We've all seen the wonderful influence pleasure has on ourselves and our quality of life. We easily can see it in other people too.

We all know the grumpy coworker that has a passionate morning and strolls into work more relaxed riding the dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin waves.

They have become simultaneously recharged and relaxed. This is great but it is only scratching the surface of what this energy is capable of.

We know humans are mini-fusion reactors of atomic energy because we can generate life and consciousness from within our own energetic storehouse. 

Now, most of us are not taught this in school, I know I wasn't.

I soon learned this energy that is cultivated within the body, leaves the body upon climax, in a highly charged state.

For men, in particular, it's like discharging and grounding a live battery into the earth so that the charge completely leaves the system.

Rather than being recycled and continuing to flow through the body, it becomes earthed. Causing the energy to dissipate in an undirected and unconscious manner.

We know that ejaculation for a man has millions and billions of live sperm cells. Atomic life force energy that is his consciousness. 

It's not only a byproduct of minerals and nutrients, it is also the active genetic hardware and software that will go onto to create, form, fashion another consciousness. 

The result of expelling this energy can be the feeling of depletion as all of the energy that has become consciously charged has become dissipated.

If we start to see our orgasms as finely tuned, encoded vibrations of sacred energy that penetrate through space and time, reality will change.

An orgasm is literally a lightning bolt into the universe. Imagine what would happen if you started to send these lightning bolts into your life.

Into your visions and dreams. Birthing and manifesting experiences, as well as babies.

'Bringing life' to something is not an exclusive concept just for birthing human beings. It can occur in your ability to call in your dream job, business, artwork, the dream home, the ideal health and wellbeing, the travel adventures, or the future partner. 


This orgasmic energy can be projected into your future self. Just as you would cast a fishing line out into the ocean, orgasms when used consciously can be sent out into your timeline.

It is a very deep and sacred experience. It takes a little bit of practice, with non-attachment and a little bit of self-control. But sure enough, everyone can learn how to do and apply this metaphysical phenomenon.

In terms of energetics here is how I explain it.

By pulling this energy up from your gentiles you are able to channel it up the spine, inch by inch all the way through the throat and into the third eye and then the heart.

This energetic lane that you are redirecting the chi from your loins up into your heart is actually an entire circulatory gateway. This is what is known as the microcosmic orbit.

Energy channels that move in both directions and upon developing mind-body connection can actually viscerally be felt.

Just as if you can feel the blood pumping in your neck after a workout you can sense these points of nerves, organs, glands, and segments of the spine.  

Now, this may seem strange to many newbies but the key is to then send this orgasmic energy through your pranic toroidal tubes and then out into the world with an intention. 

The pranic tubes are the electromagnetic energy grid, just visible beyond the human sight. Since humans can only see in less than 1% of the visible light spectrum we are cannot see these. Yet, they have been measured and have been documented as having a toroidal shape.

The human body has one and the human heart has one. The distance of the electromagnetic toroidal field of the body has been measured to travel 15 feet in every direction. 

It's hard for people to relate to unless they have been felt. Just, imagine these as like the wifi routers that carry our vibration through the air. Vibration and information, such as thoughts, emotions and feelings.

This is why you can sense the vibe of a room when you walk in if there has been an argument. This information is encoded with those present and can be felt, energetically.

In terms of self-pleasure, health, bliss, joy and manifestation I choose to use this energy as a meditation and as a mindfulness practice.

I take this energy up and into my energy body, and at the point of climax I send it out to the visions I have of my life. The places I am yet to travel, the family, the health, the joy, the abundance, and the specific experiences I am calling in. The exotic locations, the waves, and the bliss.

I see myself in those moments, having those experiences, feeling what it feels like as I allow the energy of the orgasms to wash over me and into this vision.

Naturally, the sensations feel slightly different because you have been drawing the energy up from the genitals for a period of time. It takes practice to learn how to travel this microcosmic orbit.

When it becomes familiar and you manage to do it right the experiences can vary. At times it feels more like subtle waves of rippling pleasure, rather than a huge spike and dump of energy. I explain more about it here in my recent interview with a fellow Tantrika. 

This is alchemy, it is magic and most of all it is quantum physics and human potential. 

If this is something you are interested in it is a foundational piece to the one-on-one coaching programs I offer. 

It is life-changing work.

Just to clarify - No, I don't get involved in your experience of it ;)

Rather as a life coach and meditation and yoga teacher I provide a framework to follow so that you can experience this for yourself. Alone, or with a partner it does not matter. 

Another little secret I'll share. 

Whenever I had an illness or something was injured I would cultivate this energy within me and send it to that part of my body. Just like an energy wash, this is a powerful energy that can also heal, as well as create!

So next time you have a sore throat bring on that orgasmic microcosmic orbit!!

Thanks for reading, please feel free to SHARE, COMMENT, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and reach out if you are interested. 

My programs are affordable and payment plans are available.


In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart 


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