The Power of The Dream Day

abundance dream life manifestation travel Jun 26, 2020

Do you know what your dream day looks like?

Can you walk yourself through it moment by moment, and see the entire surroundings and those you're with?

There is this tool in personal development circles of writing down your dream day in detail. From the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes.

Sense it. Feel it. Write it.

What does it consist of, where is it, what are you doing?

This is the process of unpacking the non-specific, 'kind of' vibes and aspirations into tangible experiences.

It may take a few pages worth of writing by it is the most incredible process that clarifies what you want in life. 

It is like the foundation of your manifestation capability.

I recently rewrote my dream day, having awoken to much of it already.

Now came time for the revision. From waking up to the ocean breeze, in clean cotton sheets, and hearing the sound of the waves next to my beloved.

To meditating on my balcony before dawn, to the details of the shower tiles, kitchen bench, the morning juice, the food in the fridge, and the revenue showing in my online account. 

I detailed the emails I wrote to you, my community, and the programs, partnerships and donations I planned for the month ahead, all in my dream day. 

The cars and the trucks in the garage, the herbs in the garden, and the winding road down to the beach. All of it...  Even the local coffee and fish shop made a feature.

This specific vision is what I am calling in. It already exists. Now, I'm collapsing the distance between it happening by living in alignment with the vibrational energy that creates it. Joy, abundance, and discipline. 

It's exciting to see something, to touch something, someone before it comes to be. Yet it is there. No expectation on the timeframe, but a focus of 3 to7 years. 

The secret to manifestation is specificity. If you don't define it how can the universe provide it?

Fortunately, making this life alchemy is supported by a few less known practices.

One of which I'll explain tomorrow, as it is all about raising your vibration, with pleasure. For now, consider what your dream day looks like.

Close your eyes and listen to your heart, see what it looks like....

Remember, you're never too old to dream. If you don't forge and fashion within your own consciousness, how can the world reassemble it to your will?

It does it every day. So today, think a little bigger, and a little clearer.

In Greatness and Responsibility,

Alistair Hart  


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